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The Master Plan of Evangelism

by Robert Coleman

Despite the title this book is primarily about making disciples. ìRobert Coleman looks at Christ's focus on training the twelve andì principles which arise from this. What is Your Vision?

"The world is desperately seeking someone to follow. That theychr(10)&chr(13)will follow someone is certain, but will it be a man who knowschr(10)&chr(13)the way of Christ, or will he be one like themselves leading themì only on into greater darkness. This is the decisive question ofchr(10)&chr(13)our plan of life. The relevance of all that we do waits upon itschr(10)&chr(13)verdict, and in turn, the destiny of the multitude hangs in thechr(10)&chr(13)balance." So ends this book.

Very highly recommended.
Christian Books/ or
Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers

The Lost Art of Disciple Making

by Le Roy Eims

Every believer in Jesus Christ deserves the opportunity ofchr(10)&chr(13)personal nurture and development. All new believers are expectedchr(10)&chr(13)to achieve his or her full potential for God. And most of themchr(10)&chr(13)would if they had the opportunity. But all too often thechr(10)&chr(13)opportunity isn't there. The art of making disciples is lost amidì programmes, busyness and uncertainty about what is to happen andì how. This book examines the growth process in the life of a manchr(10)&chr(13)and considers what nurture and guidance it takes to developchr(10)&chr(13)spiritually qualified workers in the Church. A classic. NavPress

Experiencing God

by Blackaby and King

Superb twelve week course for personal or group study.

Learn how to hear when God is speaking to you. Find out where Godì is working and join Him. Experience God doing through you whatchr(10)&chr(13)only God can do. Your interaction with God as you do this coursechr(10)&chr(13)will change you whole outlook on life.

Very highly recommended.
LifeWay at
127 Ninth Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee 37234 or call 1 800 458 2772 in the USA

Does God Believe in Athesists

by John Blanchard

Not light reading but if you are looking for rational argumentschr(10)&chr(13)defending the Chrisian faith and reasons why there truly is onlychr(10)&chr(13)'One Way,' then this is a must.

Only John Blanchard can write with such devasting logic.
Most good Christian bookshops or Amazon

Joy Comes in the Mourning

by Dave Johnson

Dave Johnson is the senior pastor at the Church of the Open Doorchr(10)&chr(13)in Minneapolis. Dave is a superb Bible expositor. This book ischr(10)&chr(13)virtually a word for word version of the video series Blessingschr(10)&chr(13)in Disguise.

Describing "Open Door," Pastor Tom Allen comments that when hechr(10)&chr(13)and his wife came to the church, devastated from past hurts, theyì found a church where people from every walk of life worshippedchr(10)&chr(13)together with no pretense, where their broken hearts could bechr(10)&chr(13)healed. Gradually they realised that Open Door was a church chr(10)&chr(13)where Pastor and people strove to live out Christ's teaching inchr(10)&chr(13)Matthew 5. This teaching on the Beatitudes has not only been usedì by God to transform "Open Door" but is now available as a bookchr(10)&chr(13)called, 'Joy Comes in the Mourning' and a video series 'Blessingsì in Disguise.' Very highly recommended.
The Church of the Open Door at or by phone 1 800 618 7186.

Catalogues are available of Dave's ministry.

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

by Jim Cymbala

What happens when God's Spirit invades the hearts of His people.

Pastor Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wanted to renew His peopleì - to call us back from spiritual dead ends, apathy and lukewarmchr(10)&chr(13)religion.

He knows the difference first hand. Twentyfive years ago, his ownì church Brooklyn Tabernacle, was a struggling congregation ofchr(10)&chr(13)twenty. Then they began to pray and God began to move . . .chr(10)&chr(13)streethardened lives by the hundred were changed.

Very highly recommended.
All good Christian book stores.
Brooklyn Tabernacle at http://
Zondervan Publishing House

Fresh Power

by Jim Cymbala

Experiencing the vast resources of the Spirit of God. Jim teachesì how the mighty power of God can infuse our everyday lives andchr(10)&chr(13)the mission of our churches.

Following on from Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Pastor Cymbalachr(10)&chr(13)continues to spread the word about the power of God's Holy Spiritì in the lives of those who seek Him.

Fresh power is available to us as we desire the Holy Spirit'schr(10)&chr(13)constant infilling and learn what it means to be Spirit filled.
All good Christian book stores.
Brooklyn Tabernacle at http://
Zondervan Publishing House

Fresh Faith by

Jim Cymbala

What happens when real faith ingites God's people.

Jim insists that authentic, Biblical faith is simple, honest andchr(10)&chr(13)utterly dependent on God. A faith capable of transforming yourchr(10)&chr(13)life, your church and your nation.
All good Christian book stores.
Brooklyn Tabernacle at http://
Zondervan Publishing House

Intercessory Prayer

by Dutch Sheets

Why do we need to pray? What happens when we do?

"Every Christian and intercessor should read this book. It willchr(10)&chr(13)revolutionize your prayer life. It contains depths of insightchr(10)&chr(13)found in no other book on intercession.

Very highly recommended.
All good Christian bookshops
Christian Books
Dutch Sheets Ministries - or phone 1 719 548 8793 USA

The Purpose Driven Church

by Rick Warren

Rick tells the story of Saddleback Vally Community Church. It ischr(10)&chr(13)a remarkable story but Rick emphasises principles not methods;chr(10)&chr(13)God not man.

Pastor Warren shares a proven strategy that will enable yourchr(10)&chr(13)church to grow. This book shifts the focus away from churchchr(10)&chr(13)building programmes to emphasizing a people building process.chr(10)&chr(13)Warren says, "If you will concentrate on building people God willì build the church."

Very highly recommended.
Saddleback Valley Community Church http://
Good Christian bookstores
Christian Books

The Purpose Driven Life

by Rick Warren

This is a sixty day devotional study focussing on the question,chr(10)&chr(13)"What on Earth am I Here For?"

This book will take you through a spiritual journey which willchr(10)&chr(13)enable you to discover the answer to one of life's most importantì questions.
Saddleback Valley Community Church http://
Good Christian bookstores
Christian Books

Released from Bondage

by Neil Anderson

Neil Anderson has a unique ministry. His 'Steps to Freedom inchr(10)&chr(13)Christ,' material has been used to set free countless people inchr(10)&chr(13)bondage to the world, the flesh and the enemy.

Neil's books and materials focus on the reality of the warfarechr(10)&chr(13)situation in which we live as believers. He helps us tochr(10)&chr(13)understand the nature of the spiritual battle, discover practicalì steps to freedom in Christ and explains how to find hope andchr(10)&chr(13)victory no matter how desperate the circumstancs appear to be.

Neil focusses on what it means to be 'In Christ,' and free.
Most good Christian Bookstores
Freedom in Christ Ministries - http://
Christian Books -

Living Free

by Neil Anderson

Two books, 'Living Free in Christ' and 'Walking in the Light' areì published in one volume.

Neil move from our acceptance, security and significance inchr(10)&chr(13)Christ to our walk with Him on a daily basis. Eye opening.
Most good Christian Bookstores
Freedom in Christ Ministries - http://
Christian Books -

Each New Day

by Neil Anderson

This is a 365 day devotional focussing on many of the areas ofchr(10)&chr(13)the Christian life opened up in his books.

It is deeply challenging, eye opening and encouraging as wechr(10)&chr(13)think, day by day, what it means to be 'In Christ.'
Most good Christian Bookstores
Freedom in Christ Ministries - http://
Christian Books -
Video: Transformations 1 & 2 Have you experienced God's transformation of your neighbourhood?chr(10)&chr(13)Could He?

On these two videos you can see true stories of how God came inchr(10)&chr(13)to cities and nations to bring spiritual transformation.

Mighty, mighty stories of God at work.
In the UK contact: Gateway Ministries, P O Box 11905, London NW10 4ZQ or phone 020 8453 1111

Contact the Sentinel Group -

Blessings in Disguise

by Dave Johnson

Dave is a superb Bible expositor. This video is a looks at thechr(10)&chr(13)Beatitudes in a new way. This is life transforming teaching aboutì fundamental principles of the Kingdom.

Very highly recommended.
The Church of the Open Door at or by phone 1 800 618 7186.

Catalogues are available of Dave's ministry.
 Committed to the Great Commission to 'make disciples'
Grow in Grace is based in Northern Ireland
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